Rust: OOP

Rust: OOP

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) by ChatGPT


9 min read

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that is based on the concept of "objects". An object is a combination of data and methods that operate on that data. In OOP, we typically model our programs as collections of objects that interact with each other to accomplish a task.

One of the major benefits of OOP is that it allows for the development of reusable code. Rather than writing a set of procedures that can only be used for a specific task, OOP allows you to define a set of objects that can be reused in a variety of contexts. This significantly reduces the amount of code that needs to be written and also make the code more organized and maintainable over time.

Additionally, OOP provides a way of modeling real-world problems in software systems. By representing real-world entities as objects, we can more easily reason about a system and make changes to it as necessary.

Some of the key features of OOP include encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. These features help to make OOP code more modular, easier to maintain, and more reusable over time.

Rust Implementation

Rust supports some of the features of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism but it doesn't support all features, like dynamic dispatching, that's why it is considered as a partially object-oriented language.

Rust is not strictly an OOP language. Rust has different syntax and semantics than traditional OOP languages, and it doesn't support all of the features of OOP. However, Rust borrows some concepts from OOP paradigm to provide similar functionality in a more Rust-specific way.


Abstraction is the process of hiding details and complexity of a system from the user, while still providing the necessary functionality. This can be achieved through the use of abstract classes, interfaces, or traits.

Rust Implementation

In Rust, we have traits which can be used to enforce a certain behavior across types that implement them. Here's an example:

trait Animal {
    fn make_sound(&self);

struct Dog;
struct Cat;

impl Animal for Dog {
    fn make_sound(&self) {

impl Animal for Cat {
    fn make_sound(&self) {

fn main() {
    let dog = Dog;
    let cat = Cat;


In this example, we define a trait called Animal which has a function make_sound(). We then define two structs Dog and Cat and implement the Animal trait for them. Finally, we call make_sound() on instances of those structs. This code will output:



Encapsulation is the idea of bundling related data and functionality together in one unit (e.g. a class or struct) and hiding it from the rest of the program. This is achieved through the use of access modifiers such as private or public.

Rust Implementation

In Rust, we can create a struct with pub or private fields and accessors, like this:

struct Person {
    pub name: String,
    private_age: i32,

impl Person {
    pub fn new(name: String, age: i32) -> Person {
        Person {
            name: name,
            private_age: age,

    pub fn age(&self) -> i32 {

In this example, we define a Person struct with a name field that is public (and can be accessed outside the struct) and a private_age field that is not public (and is not accessible outside the struct). We create a constructor method new() that takes a name and an age, and a method age() that returns the age. We can then use the Person struct like this:

let person = Person::new(String::from("Alice"), 25);
println!("{} is {} years old.",, person.age());


Inheritance is the idea of creating a new class (called a derived class or subclass) based on an existing class (called a base class or superclass), inheriting its fields and methods. The derived class can then add, modify, or overwrite functionality as needed.

Rust Implementation

In Rust, inheritance is not a first-class citizen like in some other languages. Instead, Rust provides composition through the use of trait objects. Here's an example:

trait Animal {
    fn name(&self) -> String;
    fn make_sound(&self);

struct Dog {
    name: String,

impl Animal for Dog {
    fn name(&self) -> String {

    fn make_sound(&self) {

struct Cat {
    name: String,

impl Animal for Cat {
    fn name(&self) -> String {

    fn make_sound(&self) {

struct Pet {
    animal: Box<dyn Animal>,

impl Pet {
    pub fn new(animal: Box<dyn Animal>) -> Pet {
        Pet { animal }

    pub fn name(&self) -> String {

    pub fn make_sound(&self) {

In this example, we define an Animal trait that has two methods - name() and make_sound(). We then define Dog and Cat structs that each implement the Animal trait. We then define a new Pet struct that contains a Box<dyn Animal> type, which can hold any type that implements the Animal trait. Finally, we define some methods on the Pet struct that delegate to the methods of the Animal trait via the Box wrapper. We can then use the Pet struct like this:

let dog = Box::new(Dog{name: String::from("Fido")});
let cat = Box::new(Cat{name: String::from("Whiskers")});

let pet1 = Pet::new(dog);
let pet2 = Pet::new(cat);

println!("{} says:",;

println!("{} says:",;

This code will output:

Fido says:
Whiskers says:


Polymorphism is the idea of using a single interface to represent multiple types. This can be achieved through the use of function overloading, generics, or traits.

Rust Implementation

In Rust, polymorphism is often achieved through the use of traits and generics. Here's an example:

trait Animal {
    fn make_sound(&self);

struct Dog;
struct Cat;

impl Animal for Dog {
    fn make_sound(&self) {

impl Animal for Cat {
    fn make_sound(&self) {

fn make_animal_sound<T: Animal>(animal: T) {

In this example, we define an Animal trait that has a make_sound() method, and Dog and Cat structs that each implement the Animal trait. We then define a generic make_animal_sound() function that takes any type that implements the Animal trait and calls its make_sound() method on it. We can then use the make_animal_sound() function like this:

let dog = Dog;
let cat = Cat;


This code will output:


That's it! These are the Object Oriented Programming principles and how they are implemented in Rust.


Functional Programming (FP) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) are two paradigms used for writing software. They offer different approaches to solving problems.

In general, functional programming is a style of programming that emphasizes the use of pure functions that do not share state with other functions. Functional programming focuses on computation where functions return the same output for a given input, without mutating state or having side effects. In contrast, object-oriented programming emphasizes the use of objects that contain both data and the methods that operate on that data, focusing on the interaction of those objects to solve problems.

Combining both approaches in Rust can lead to better algorithms. Rust provides syntactic features for both functional programming and object-oriented programming paradigms. For example, Rust has built-in support for functional-style closures and iterators, which can be used for FP. The use of traits to abstract over types in Rust is similar to interfaces in the OOP world.

FP Advantages

Advantages of using functional programming in Rust:

  1. Functional programming is better-suited to mathematical algorithms that work with immutable data structures.

  2. Rust makes it easy to write efficient code using functional techniques, particularly when manipulating collections.

  3. Functional programming can lead to code that is more modular and easier to unit test because its functions are atomistic.

OOP Advantages

Advantages of using object-oriented programming in Rust:

  1. Object-oriented programming is particularly useful when you are modeling real-world systems that have complicated, mutable states.

  2. Object-oriented programming is great for large-scale applications, particularly those consisting of multiple modules.

  3. OOP can help you write code that is more maintainable over time by emphasizing encapsulation and separation of concerns.

To combine functional programming and object-oriented programming in Rust, you can use Rust's features to implement strategies where both paradigms overlap. For instance, you can use functional-style closures with object-oriented concepts, such as traits or interfaces. This helps write efficient, expressive, and easy-to-maintain code.


Here is an example of using both paradigms in Rust:

trait Descriptive {
    fn describe(&self) -> String;

struct Circle {
    radius: f64,

impl Descriptive for Circle {
    fn describe(&self) -> String {
        format!("This is a circle with radius {}", self.radius)

struct Square {
    side: f64,

impl Descriptive for Square {
    fn describe(&self) -> String {
        format!("This is a square with side {}", self.side)

fn main() {
    let shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Descriptive>> = vec![
        Box::new(Circle { radius: 10.0 }),
        Box::new(Square { side: 5.0 }),

    for shape in shapes {
        println!("{}", shape.describe());

In this example, we define a Descriptive trait with a describe method. We then implement this trait for two different structs, Circle and Square, which represent different shapes. Finally, we create a vector of Boxes that hold instances of these structs, and we loop over them, calling their describe method.

This code shows how Rust can use polymorphism (through the Box<dyn Descriptive> type) and a trait (Descriptive) to implement an OOP-like concept, while providing a functional-style approach to managing collections (using iterators, closures, and the Vec type).


Hybrid programming languages like Rust, which combines concepts from different programming paradigms, have several advantages over pure languages that specialize in just one paradigm. Here are some of the advantages that hybrid languages like Rust can offer:

  1. Flexibility: Hybrid languages, like Rust, can offer the flexibility to use different programming paradigms, depending on the problem being solved. Hybrid languages can take parts of functional, procedural, and object-oriented programming paradigms and combine them to provide a solution that is optimized for that specific problem. For example, Rust combines the functional programming style and object-oriented programming concepts to allow programmers to choose the style that fits better for each part of their code.

  2. Better design of programs: Hybrid languages like Rust enable programmers to design better programs. A program can be more modular and easier to maintain when the programmer has the flexibility to choose different paradigms that complement each other. For example, Rust's approach to modules allows for finer-grained abstraction of code and the ability to hide implementation details from other parts of the program.

  3. Improved performance: Hybrid languages, like Rust, can provide better performance compared to pure languages. By using the right style and features for the problem being solved, hybrid languages can optimize the underlying program execution. In Rust, by combining programming paradigms, it provides high-performance features such as low-level control and memory safety without compromising on expressiveness.

  4. Better code re-usability: Hybrid languages provide better code re-usability. By using different paradigms, programmers can design libraries that can be used in different programs for a variety of applications. For example, in Rust, by using traits, code can be designed that can be re-used in a variety of situations without knowledge of implementation details.

In conclusion, Hybrid programming languages like Rust can provide a better way of solving programming problems. By providing the flexibility to use different paradigms when needed, such hybrid languages can provide better-designed programs, improved performance, and better code re-use. Because of these reasons, hybrid languages are becoming increasingly popular among programmers.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purposes only. I have used AI to respond some important questions about OOP. If you find any errors, don't blame me and be constructive. Add comments below so that I can fix them. I have done this article for myself to learn Rust. When I become an expert in Rust I'm going to improve this article.

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