Go: Complex Type

Go: Complex Type

Learn the fundamentals about complex numbers in Go.

In Go, the complex data type is used to represent complex numbers. A complex number is a number that can be expressed in the form a + ib, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit.


In Go, a complex number is represented by two parts: a real part and an imaginary part, both of which are float values. The complex data type is a built-in type, and it is defined as complex128, meaning it uses 128 bits of memory.

Here's an example of how to create a complex number in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Creating a complex number
    c := complex(3, 4)

    // Accessing the real and imaginary parts of the complex number
    fmt.Println("Real part:", real(c))
    fmt.Println("Imaginary part:", imag(c))

In this example, we create a complex number c with a real part of 3 and an imaginary part of 4. We can then access the real and imaginary parts of c using the real and imag functions, respectively.

Here's an example of how to perform mathematical operations with complex numbers:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Creating two complex numbers
    c1 := 2 + 3i
    c2 := 1 + 2i

    // Performing mathematical operations
    fmt.Println("c1 + c2 =", c1+c2)
    fmt.Println("c1 - c2 =", c1-c2)
    fmt.Println("c1 * c2 =", c1*c2)
    fmt.Println("c1 / c2 =", c1/c2)

In this example, we create two complex numbers c1 and c2, and then perform basic mathematical operations on them using the +, -, *, and / operators.

Complex & Strings

To convert a complex number to a string in Go, you can use the fmt.Sprintf function or the strconv.FormatComplex function. Here's an example:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // convert a complex number to a string
    z := 2 + 3i
    complexStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", z)
    // or complexStr := strconv.FormatComplex(z, 'f', -1, 64)

    // convert a string to a complex number
    newComplex, err := strconv.ParseComplex(complexStr, 64)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error parsing complex number:", err)

    fmt.Println("Original complex number:", z)
    fmt.Println("Complex number as string:", complexStr)
    fmt.Println("Parsed complex number:", newComplex)

When you run this program, you'll see the original complex number, the complex number represented as a string, and then the parsed complex number, which should be the same as the original.

Original complex number: (2+3i)
Complex number as string: (2+3i)
Parsed complex number: (2+3i)

Note: that the strconv.FormatComplex function takes four arguments:

  • the complex number you want to format

  • the format specifier (either 'e' or 'f' for exponential or fixed-point notation, respectively)

  • the precision (the number of digits to include after the decimal point, or -1 to use the default)

  • the bit size (either 32 or 64)

Complex vs Real

A real number cannot become complex unless an imaginary component is added to it. For example, 3 is a real number, but 3 + 0i is a complex number with a real component of 3 and an imaginary component of 0.

To compare two complex numbers, you can compare their real and imaginary components separately. For example, if z1 = 2 + 3i and z2 = 4 - 1i, you can compare them as follows:

  • Compare real components: 2 < 4, so z1 is less than z2 in terms of real components.

  • If the real components are equal, compare imaginary components: 3 > -1, so z1 is greater than z2 in terms of imaginary components.

Therefore, the complex number z1 is less than the complex number z2.

In Go, you can compare complex numbers using the == and != operators, which compare their real and imaginary components. For example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    z1 := 2 + 3i
    z2 := 4 - 1i

    if z1 == z2 {
        fmt.Println("z1 and z2 are equal")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("z1 and z2 are not equal")


z1 and z2 are not equal

Note that when comparing complex numbers with the == operator, the result will be false if any of their components are NaN.


Complex numbers have a wide range of applications in engineering and other scientific domains due to their ability to represent both magnitude and phase information. Here are some common use-cases for complex numbers in Go:

  1. Signal Processing: Complex numbers are frequently used in signal processing to analyze and manipulate signals. In this domain, complex numbers are used to represent time-varying signals with both amplitude and phase information. For example, in Fourier Analysis, complex numbers are used to represent signals as a sum of harmonic functions, and in Digital Signal Processing, a complex number is used to represent complex sinusoids.

  2. Control Systems: Complex numbers are used in control systems for modeling and analyzing dynamic systems. They are used to represent the transfer functions of systems, which are used to describe how inputs affect system outputs. In this domain, complex numbers are used to model frequencies and to analyze system stability and performance.

  3. Electromagnetic theory: Complex numbers are used to represent the magnitude and phase of electromagnetic quantities, such as impedance and admittance. In this domain, complex numbers are used to represent the voltage and current relationships in electrical systems, and they are used to model the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

  4. Quantum Mechanics: Complex numbers are used in quantum mechanics to represent the probability amplitude of quantum states. In this domain, complex numbers are used to model physical systems at the quantum level, including particles, waves, and quantum fields.


Overall, the use of complex numbers in Go can be incredibly powerful for representing and analyzing real-world systems in engineering and scientific domains, and their use can help to yield significant insights and advancements.

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