Best Practices 4 Bash

Best Practices 4 Bash

Explained best practice for Bash programmers

Here are some Bash scripting best practices with examples to write clean and maintainable scripts:

  1. Use functions:
  echo "Hello $1!"

greet "John"
# Hello John!
  1. Use meaningful variable names:
  1. Use constants:
  1. Use if/then/else over && and ||:
if [[ $age -ge 18 ]]; then
  echo "Eligible to vote"
  echo "Not eligible"

Here is how that if/else condition could be written using && and || instead:

[[ $age -ge 18 ]] && echo "Eligible to vote" || echo "Not eligible"

This works because:

  • && is the AND operator

  • || is the OR operator

  • The expressions on either side of && or || are evaluated left to right.

  • If the first expression evaluates to true, the result is the value of the second expression.

  • If the first expression evaluates to false, the result is the value of the first expression.

So in this case:

  • If $age is >= 18, then [[ $age -ge 18 ]] evaluates to true

  • The AND operator && will then evaluate the second expression echo "Eligible to vote"

  • That result is returned

  • If $age is < 18, then [[ $age -ge 18 ]] evaluates to false

  • The OR operator || will then evaluate the first expression, which is false, and return that result

  • The second expression echo "Not eligible" is not evaluated.

While this works, if/then/else is generally considered more readable for conditional logic in scripts.

  1. Add indentation and comments:
# Greet the user
greet $firstName

# Check eligibility 
if [[ $age -ge 18 ]] ; then
   echo "Eligible to vote"
  1. Handle errors:
if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then
  echo "File does not exist!" 
  exit 1  # Exit with error
  1. Add help function:
help() {
  echo "This script greets a user and..."


Disclaim: This guide was created with AI. Of course, many free resources teach you how to write better Bash code. I have asked for these resources:

• Shell Style Guide by Geir Magnusson Jr - A comprehensive guide with recommendations on style, structure, portability and more. This is considered a de facto standard for Bash style.

• The Linux Documentation Project's Bash Guide - A thorough tutorial on Bash scripting with sections on best practices.

• ShellCheck - An open source tool to static analyze your shell scripts and detect issues like syntax errors, bugs and unintended behavior.

• Linuxize - This blog has several good articles on Bash scripting best practices.

• Real World Bash Scripting - A paid course by Mark Smalley that covers best practices in depth. Highly recommended if you want to take your Bash skills to the next level.

Hope the links are helpful! Let me know if any of these links do not work properly

Learn and prosper 🖖