Python Errors

Python Errors

Explain how to avoid errors and debug your code using IDE.

Here are the types of errors in Python programming and methods of debugging:

  1. Syntax Errors: These are caused due to incorrect syntax in the code. Python prints an error message indicating the line number where the error occurred. These errors can be fixed by correcting the syntax.

  2. Runtime Errors: These occur during program execution. Examples are NameError, IndexError, TypeError, etc. These can be debugged using print statements, breakpoints and debugger tools.

  3. Logical Errors: These don't prevent the code from running but produce unintended results. They are tricky to find and debug. Methods to debug logical errors are:

  • Using print statements to trace variable values at different points.
  • Adding assertions to check conditions.
assert condition, "Failure message"
  • Using a Python debugger like pdb or ipdb. This allows setting breakpoints and inspecting variables.

  • Unit testing to catch logical errors early.

  1. Exceptions: These are runtime errors that can be handled using try/except blocks.
    # risky code 
except Exception as e:

So in summary, a combination of print statements, assertions, debuggers and unit tests can help debug various types of errors in Python programs. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Proactive programming using asserts aims to prevent errors from happening in the first place, rather than just catching them after they occur. It involves using assert statements to check conditions that should always be true during execution.

If an assert condition fails, it will raise an AssertionError, allowing you to catch the error immediately and fix the issue before it causes any unintended behavior.

For example:

def divide(x, y):
    assert y != 0, "y cannot be zero!" 
    return x / y

Here we use an assert to check that y is not zero before attempting to divide by y. If y was zero, the assert will fail and raise an error, preventing a ZeroDivisionError from occurring later.

You can think of asserts as "sanity checks" that validate the assumptions your code is making. They ensure the program is in a valid state before executing risky operations.

Some benefits of proactive programming with asserts:

  • Errors are caught immediately at the source, making them easier to debug.

  • It produces more robust code that has taken steps to prevent known failure cases.

  • It documents assumptions and conditions that your code relies on.

In summary, using assert statements to validate inputs and check conditions proactively can help make your code more resilient by catching potential errors before they actually occur.


There are a few common Python errors related to function parameters:

  1. Wrong number of parameters - Calling a function with too many or too few parameters will result in a TypeError.

  2. Wrong parameter types - Passing parameters of the wrong type, like passing a string when an int is expected, will also result in a TypeError.

  3. Undefined parameter name - Passing a parameter name that does not exist in the function definition will result in a NameError.

  4. Mutable parameters - Passing a mutable object (like a list) as a parameter can cause unexpected behavior if the function modifies that object.

To force type checking of function parameters in Python at runtime:

  1. Use type hints to annotate the expected parameter types:
def multiply(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    return x * y
  1. Install the typing_extensions library:
pip install typing_extensions
  1. Import TypedDict from typing_extensions:
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
  1. Define a TypedDict with the parameter names and types, and the return type:
multiply = TypedDict('multiply', [('x', int), ('y', int)], int)
  1. Call the TypedDict to wrap your function call:
multiply(multiply(2, 3)) # Returns 6
multiply(multiply('a', 3)) # Raises TypeError

This will force type checks of the parameters and return value at runtime, catching type mismatches and raising errors.

So in summary, a significant number of Python function errors are due to issues with parameters - their number, type, name or mutability. Using type hints and TypedDicts from typing_extensions allows forcing type checks at runtime to catch and prevent these errors.


An exception in Python is an event that disrupts the normal flow of a program. It is an object that represents an error, which can be used to transfer control from one part of a program to another.

When an exception occurs, it interrupts the current flow of execution. Python has several built-in exceptions, and you can define your own custom exceptions as well.

Exception Handling

Some key points about error handling in Python:

  1. Exceptions: An exception is an event that disrupts the normal flow of a program. Some common exceptions are:
  • SyntaxError

  • ImportError

  • IndexError

  • TypeError

  • ZeroDivisionError

  • IOError

  • KeyError

  • ValueError

  1. The try/except statement: You can catch exceptions using the try/except statement:
    # Some code 
except Exception as e: 
    # Handle exception

Here, the code inside the try block is executed. If an exception occurs, the except block is executed to handle that exception.

You can catch specific exceptions or catch all exceptions using Exception.

  1. The else clause: You can use an else clause to execute some code if no exception occurred:
    # Some code     
except Exception as e:
    # Handle exception
    # Executes if no exception
  1. The finally clause: Finally blocks are used to execute cleanup code, regardless of exceptions:
    # Some code
    # Handle exception
    # Execute finally block
  1. Raising exceptions: You can raise your own exceptions using the raise statement:
raise ValueError("Value cannot be negative")
  1. Assertions: Assertions are used to validate certain conditions in your code. If the condition fails, an AssertionError is raised:
assert num > 0, "Number cannot be negative"

So in summary, error handling allows your Python programs to:

  • Catch exceptions using try/except

  • Handle specific exceptions

  • Execute cleanup code using finally

  • Raise your own exceptions

  • Use assertions to validate conditions

Exception handling is crucial for creating robust, stable code. By using try-catch blocks, you can catch exceptions and errors at runtime, avoiding fatal failures that cause your program to crash. It is far better for software to receive an informative error message, attempt recovery from the error condition, and continue functioning normally. This allows the user to continue working while giving the developer notice that an issue needs to be addressed.

Without exception handling, even minor errors could cause a program to abruptly terminate, resulting in an unsatisfactory user experience and loss of data. Implementing exception handling ensures that when unexpected situations arise, your program can gracefully handle them, maintain its internal consistency, and keep running as designed. This makes the code more stable and reliable, resulting in higher-quality software.


Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors in computer programs. It allows developers to find and correct bugs, which are defects in the program that cause it to produce incorrect or unexpected results.

Debugging involves several steps:

  1. Reproducing the bug - The developer must first figure out how to make the bug appear consistently, by providing the same inputs that caused the issue. This helps narrow down where in the code the bug might lie.

  2. Isolating the bug - The developer then tries to isolate the bug to a specific section of code. This can involve commenting out parts of the code to see if the bug still occurs.

  3. Identifying the cause - Once the bug has been isolated, the developer analyzes the code to identify the root cause. This may be a logical error, a syntax mistake, or an incorrect assumption.

  4. Fixing the bug - The developer then modifies the code to fix the underlying issue that is causing the bug. This may involve changing a condition, fixing a typo, updating a calculation, etc.

  5. Verifying the fix - After making changes, the developer tests the program again to ensure the bug no longer occurs. If the fix does not work, the process starts over again.

Debugging can be easier with the help of tools like debuggers and IDEs. They allow developers to step through code line-by-line, inspect variables, set breakpoints, and more.

In summary, debugging is an essential part of the software development lifecycle. It helps improve the reliability, stability and performance of programs by systematically identifying and removing defects. Though it can be time-consuming, debugging ultimately results in higher-quality software.

IDE Features

Here are some IDEs and debugging features you can use for Python:


  • PyCharm:

    • PyCharm is a powerful Python IDE made by JetBrains.

    • It has great features for debugging Python code step by step, like:

      • Breakpoints

      • Step Over, Step Into, Step Out

      • Viewing variable values

      • Console for interacting with the running code

      • Debugging multiple threads

      • Profiling to identify bottlenecks

  • Visual Studio Code:

    • VS Code is a popular multi-language IDE.

    • It has a Python extension that provides debugging features like:

      • Breakpoints

      • Step Over/Into/Out

      • Variable inspection

      • Call stack

      • Console

      • Debugging multiple processes

  • Other options: Spyder, Eclipse, Atom, Sublime Text (with plugins)

Debugging Features:

  • Breakpoints: Allows you to pause execution at specific lines to inspect variables, step through code, etc.

  • Step Over: Executes the current line and advances to the next line in the current scope.

  • Step Into: Executes the current line and steps into any function calls.

  • Step Out: Executes the remaining code in the current scope and returns to the caller.

  • Viewing Variables: Allows you to inspect variables and their values at any point in the code.

  • Call Stack: Shows the stack of function calls that leads to the current execution point.

  • Console: An interactive console where you can execute Python code while debugging.

  • Profiling: Helps identify slow or inefficient parts of your code to optimize performance.

  • Exceptions: You can configure breakpoints to be triggered when certain exceptions occur.

Using these IDEs and debugging features, you can gain a deep understanding of:

  • How your code is executing step by step

  • What variables are contained at each point

  • Where performance bottlenecks may lie

  • How functions and methods are calling each other

  • Where exceptions may be occurring

This helps you identify and fix bugs, optimize code, and modify your program's logic and behavior. So debugging is an essential part of the development process, especially for large codebases.

Disclaim: This entire article is created by Rix (AI bot created by HashNode). I have asked the question to learn Python myself. If you find mistakes blame Rix.